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Holiday Marketing and Blogging for Your Law Firm

December, 03 2021
Article by
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Ben Johnson
man at computer with Christmas tree

Every internet marketing attorney should understand that holiday marketing for law firm sites is a dynamic part of your marketing strategy. 

Holiday marketing focuses on producing legal website content directed at issues, incidents, and circumstances that arise during the holiday season. 

Why You Should Continue Blogging During the Holidays

If your law firm website has an SEO or content marketing strategy, odds are you have a blog that you update regularly. It’s crucial that you don’t fall behind during the holiday season.

This is for a couple of reasons. 

  1. It is a highly active time of the year when individuals need legal representation and advice
  2. Internet search engines will see if you’re updating your blog

Let’s dive into both reasons a bit further.

Individuals Need Lawyers During the Holiday Season

While the holiday season brings tidings of hope, peace, and joy, it also ushers in a flux of high traffic, chaos, and intense emotions. 

People need lawyers during the holidays, and internet marketing for attorneys is critical to point them in your firm’s direction.

These are a few reasons an individual may need legal representation during the season:

Personal Injury Attorneys
  • Personal injury accidents
  • Traffic accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Slip and fall injuries
Criminal Attorneys
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Assaults
  • Shoplifting
  • Robbery/Thefts
  • Auto thefts
Other Potential Circumstances
  • Liability claims from home injuries
  • Bankruptcy issues
  • Credit card issues
  • Evictions
  • Workers’ Compensation

As you can see (and as you’ve probably already seen through your years of practicing law), just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean lawyers aren’t needed. 

Search Engines Crawl for the Most Recent SEO Content

Just like how the law never rests, the internet doesn’t either. 

In fact, the time around the winter holiday season is the busiest of the year. Schools are on winter breaks while much of the labor force is on vacation. 

People are in spending mode, and they are on the internet.

Search engines and their web crawlers pick up every update you make to your website via your SEO keywords and content. 

If your website is not frequently updated, it will not be frequently indexed, which could lower your listing on a potential customer’s search. 

“Content is King,” and you must update your posts and web pages often to rank high. Law Firm Sites can help ensure your firm is on top of its SEO game.

Holiday Blogging Benefits for Your Law Firm SEO strategy

Approach to Holiday Blogging and Legal Website Content

Luckily, you don’t have to be sitting at your desk on Christmas Eve, drafting a great piece of content. 

You have options. 

Planning and strategy or hiring help can get the writing part done, and checking your post settings ensures it goes live when you want it to post.

Plan Ahead

Planning is the best strategy for blogging and website content. Before you head on your vacation, you can write and optimize your legal website content. Then, you can schedule it to post to your website on any date you choose. 

It’s as easy as a simple checklist that might look something like this:

  • Choose a topic.
  • Select SEO keywords and phrases.
  • Write a blog or article, carefully placing the keywords.
  • Procure professional images to attach.
  • Optimize the content for SEO (including backlinks and meta descriptions)
  • Upload the content to your website.
  • Schedule a date and time for the post to go live online.
  • Enjoy your vacation.

Consider Using a Content Writing Service

If you are in a crunch for time, several online content writing services can help create the blog or SEO content needed for law firm sites. 

You write the topic and headlines, provide SEO keywords and other pertinent information, and let the content writers do the writing. Contact Law Firm Sites for more information.

Check Your Settings

Ensure that your website’s settings are where they should be and that the site is mobile-friendly for people on the go or in need of emergency assistance. 

Most website-building platforms offer a preview tool, so you can double-check how your content will appear on a computer screen, tablet, or smartphone. Making sure it is mobile-friendly is crucial.

It’s worth an extra couple of minutes to do this preview check. If there is the smallest thing you overlooked, you won’t regret catching it before it goes live online.

Ideas for Holiday Posts for Law Firm Sites

People appreciate a law firm that genuinely cares for their safety and well-being. Depending on your firm’s expertise, you can create blogs to help visitors make smart decisions and understand what they need to do if caught in a legal situation during the holiday season.

These are some topic ideas for holiday posts:

Personal Injury Attorneys

holiday blog ideas for personal injury attorneys

Post helpful messages to keep the community safe and advice on what to do in an emergency. When a legal situation happens anyway, people will trust you to help them through it.

Snowy Roads

Winter weather creates a need for legal advice. Also, a blog noting how to be safe on snowy, icy roadways and what to do if someone gets into a bad situation will be valued.

Traffic or Other Accident

A blog giving tips on what someone should do in a traffic accident or any accident is treasured advice. It lets your community know that your firm is concerned for their welfare.

Drunk Driving Accident

This is an excellent opportunity to give friendly advice to spirit-loving holiday goers to ease up on the alcohol, get a designated driver, or take advantage of ride-share services and help the local economy. In the process, everyone on the road gets home safely.

Slip and Fall Injuries

A post on things to watch for to avoid a slip and fall accident can serve as a reminder to be aware of your surroundings and always use caution. The elderly are especially grateful for these tips.

Criminal Attorneys

holiday blog ideas for criminal attorneys

Criminal attorneys can benefit from giving the community positive messages of hope and resources to access to avoid committing a legal offense. However, if people do find themselves in a situation, they will remember that your firm is concerned about them.

Drunk Driving Accident

Again, this is a good opportunity to advise about the repercussions of overconsuming alcohol or the benefits of using designated drivers or ride-share services. No one can overemphasize this enough during the holidays.


Encouraging others to remain calm during high-tension situations might be the best gift you can give during the holidays. Fighting, throwing punches, or getting caught up in the moment is not worth the price.

Shoplifting, Robbery, Theft, or Auto Theft

In a tough economy and rough year, many are strapped for cash and desperate to provide for their families. A gentle reminder to not resort to shoplifting, robbery, theft, or auto theft could save a family tremendous heartache and stress during the holidays. A list of helpful resources could give an immense amount of hope to someone contemplating theft and their family.

Other Holiday Marketing Ideas

holiday blog ideas for attorneys

Liability Claims from Home Injuries

The holidays bring home family and friends for gatherings large and small. Every season, people sustain injuries from falls, burning themselves while cooking, and other unexpected incidents. A blog reminding everyone of safety measures and what to do if something significant does happen could be a lifesaver.

Bankruptcy and Credit Card Issues

A blog explaining how to maneuver bankruptcy and credit card issues during the holidays is an excellent topic for this time of year. With prices on nearly everything rising daily, information about bankruptcy and credit card issues could alleviate an enormous amount of stress for people dealing with these circumstances.


Evictions are at all-time highs since moratoriums ended earlier this year after the pandemic wreaked havoc on people’s jobs and incomes. Clear and transparent information on evictions and what renters should do to protect themselves and their families could be a great comfort. A list of resources and assistance could change the holiday season for a family and even give them hope.

On the other hand, landlords have also suffered tremendous blows over the last year. Information and resources that might provide assistance to them could also be beneficial.

Workers’ Compensation

With the hottest marketing and retail season upon us, employees are back at work and providing the best they have to offer. Sometimes, they will be injured on the job. Employers and employees alike can benefit from information on what to do and expect from a Worker’s Compensation claim.

Community and Internet Marketing for Lawyers During the Holidays

holiday marketing ideas for lawyers

An internet marketing attorney understands that marketing for law firm sites during the holidays is critical. This type of marketing includes participating and interacting with current clients, potential clients, and the local community. Some ideas include service projects, charity, giveaways, community events, mailing cards, and posting interesting and exciting videos.

Service Project

A service project can be anything that gets your law firm out of the office and into the public eye, such as volunteering with soup kitchens, building homes for veterans, or helping the elderly. The ideas are endless, but the focus you bring to your firm is invaluable.

Donate to an Organization

There is an enormous number of charitable organizations to donate to or sponsor. Use this opportunity to let your community know that your law firm is engaged and appreciates its citizens. Internet marketing attorneys know how to post photos and helpful or thankful posts to your firm’s website and social media accounts for the community to see.

Host a Gift Giveaway

Hosting a gift giveaway is another way to interact with your community and have a positive impact. Whether you offer a new car or a complimentary dinner for two at a local restaurant, your efforts will be appreciated.

Host a Community Event

Hosting a community event can make your firm a hero in the eyes of the local residents. It is an exciting opportunity to connect and interact with the people who are the foundation of your firm’s business.

These are a few ideas:

  • Provide a community holiday tree for underprivileged children and families.
  • Host a visit by Santa Claus to your office for the local community to attend.
  • Host a holiday party or meal for the local community.

Send Greeting Cards

Current and past clients love to know you appreciate them. Sending greeting cards is a fantastic way to tap that resource for references and the potential for more legal work in the future.

Post Holiday Legal Videos as Internet Marketing for Lawyers

Internet users are really drawn to videos. The more positive and interactive it is, the better. Even educational and informational videos are huge hits, and they make your firm the authority on the topic.

Once you have scripted and filmed a video, it’s relatively easy to upload it to your legal website content page. Don’t forget to add the metadata or tags, including your SEO keywords. Law Firm Sites can help.

To make the most of the video’s potential, be sure to post it to your firm’s YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms. Just make sure that, before you post, your video meets your firm’s policies, protocols, and community guidelines and those of the platforms where you are posting it.

Start Holiday Marketing for Your Law Firm Now

The bottom line on “Holiday Marketing for Your Law Firm” is to start early. Law Firm Sites can get you started on a winning holiday marketing strategy for your firm. We are here to help. Contact us today.

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