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SEO Suggestion: How to Highlight Community Outreach on my Law Firm Website

December, 16 2020
Article by
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Jo Stephens
community outreach

In our most recent blog, we discussed the importance of community outreach and local support to build your firm’s business. If you are currently involved in community outreach efforts, you may be wondering how you can showcase this on your law firm website. 

Information to Gather

First off, there are certain pieces of information you’ll want to obtain before you highlight your community outreach on your website. Here’s the information you should have:

  • Name of the Community Identity
  • What Type of Services they provide
  • What type of services did you help provide
  • The website address for linking opportunities

Community Outreach and SEO

Like many other parts of your law firm custom design, you have multiple options to choose from when deciding how to showcase community outreach. Here are some ideas: 

  • Blog Post about community involvement
  • Share Video and Images
  • Community Involvement Page
  • News Update
  • Attorney Profiles Highlight
  • Firm Overview Highlight
  • Social Media Posts on Updates of Services
  • Reach Out to Community Publications to highlight community service
  • Form Partnership with Community Service Providers

SEO Benefits

In addition to highlighting your community outreach on your website, you may also have the opportunity to build your SEO. To do this, you could ask the organization or charity to highlight your firm with a URL link and anchor text (a keyword phrase) on their website. If you’ve ever looked at the program at a musical performance or play, you may have seen a model like this: at the back of the program, there’s a list of local sponsors. Of course, the organization might not always have this as an option, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. 

If the organization or charity does provide linking opportunities, you could offer a link trade to their site for one from yours to show the partnership. This provides backlinks to your site helping your SEO. Google also likes to see you trust sites like .org and service sites.

How Law Firm Sites Can Help

If you are wanting to highlight your law firm’s community outreach, don’t hesitate to contact an SEO for lawyers company to help you showcase your good deeds and help your business. 

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