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Law Firm Sites Blog

Business Lawyer Websites & Marketing

September, 17 2021
Article by
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Jo Stephens
business lawyer

If you run a business law firm, you understand that you need to drive as much business to your firm as possible. In the modern era, this means capitalizing on a business law firm website. There are numerous business lawyer websites out there, and a business law attorney website has to clearly specify the types of cases you take on. 

There are several areas of business law that you may cover. These include: 

  • Contract law relating to employers, employees, and independent contractors
  • Articles of Incorporation for companies, businesses, and emerging enterprises
  • Rules and regulations related to intellectual property 
  • Potential antitrust filings 
  • Laws related to income taxes, pensions, and benefits 
  • Regulations related to Securities Law 
  • Cases involving breach of contract situations 
  • Mergers and acquisitions in various industries

If someone is looking for a lawyer, they need to know you can handle their case. When you take a look at other business law websites, you might see all of these areas displayed. Because the vast majority of people are going to use the internet when they’re looking for a lawyer, you need to make sure you have a strong online presence. What should you do to effectively market yourself in the current environment? 

The Top Tips for Business Lawyer Marketing

If you are looking for a way to improve your business marketing skills, there are several important tips you should keep in mind. These include:

Create a Professional Website Design

Your website is going to act as your digital storefront. You need to make sure you attract the right clients to your website. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure your website shines. 

Publish Relevant Content Regularly

Next, you must make sure you publish relevant content regularly. This is important for search engine optimization purposes. You should conduct keyword research regularly, publishing blogs and articles that will improve your search results rankings. 

Take Advantage of Multiple Marketing Channels

You should take advantage of multiple marketing channels to drive traffic to your different profiles. This includes social media marketing, email marketing, a personal blog, and even a potential video channel or podcast show. All this can help you get your business in front of as many people as possible. 

You have a lot to do on a daily basis, so you may not have time to think about your digital marketing all the time. You should be free to focus all of your attention on your cases. Allow our professionals to help you with your digital marketing needs. 

Contact Law Firm Sites Today for Help with Business Law Marketing

If you are looking for a professional team that can help you build a strong online presence for your business law firm, it would be our pleasure to assist you. We are Law Firm Sites, and we have a tremendous amount of experience working with business law firms of all shapes and sizes. We understand what it takes to help you drive traffic to your website. We can help you collect more cases for your firm. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your digital marketing strategy

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