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Law Firm Sites Blog

Location Pages for Lawyers

February, 22 2022
Article by
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Ben Johnson

One goal that all law firms have in common is to reach their target audience, and one way to do this is through location pages. 

If you aim to serve clients in fifteen cities, for example, your hope might be that those who live in those 15 cities will see your practice in their search results when they search for ‘estate lawyers near me.’ This is central to your local SEO strategy

In this blog, we’ll expand on the role of attorney web design, specifically location pages, and how they fit into the formula that helps your firm achieve that goal.

What are location pages?

Location pages are either landing pages or web pages for each of the locations your firm serves (not necessarily locations in which you have a physical presence). These pages describe your services in a specific location. A firm in Chicago, for example, might have location pages for each of the major suburbs in Chicago. 

Here’s a real-life example: Attorney Tony Huynh is a traffic lawyer in North Carolina, so we created a county page for all of the surrounding counties near him.

Tony Huynh county guide

Why should lawyers have location pages?

Law firms create location pages for each of the locations they serve for a number of reasons:

  • it provides more opportunities to link to content on your own page, which can help increase your Google ranking and drive traffic to your page
  • it increases your attorney SEO marketing ranking for those searching for services in a particular location, increasing the likelihood they’ll find your website and contact your firm when they need services

How to Create Location Pages

There are two ways law firms create location pages: by creating a separate website for each location they serve or by creating separate landing pages for each location they serve.

The most common solution is to create a separate landing page for each location. Put simply, a landing page is a page within your website. When creating a location page, follow these steps: 

  1.  Research the right location-based keywords for the area and incorporate them into the content of the page
  2. Add a map of the area and mark the location of your business, which can help increase your Google ranking
  3. Include your office hours for the convenience of potential clients
  4. Provide a contact form so those who reach the location page can request a consultation right from your page, without having to call or stop by
  5. Include testimonials from local clients that differ from one page to the next

When creating your location pages, the content on each page must be unique to the page. Anytime duplicate content is identified, your ranking in search engines is adversely impacted, moving your page further down in the results and preventing potential clients from seeing it. 

Getting Help with Location Pages 

Just like practicing law requires expertise, mastering search engine optimization requires a different kind of expertise. If you’re ready to create location pages today to reach your potential clients in the areas you serve, reach out to Law Firm Sites today. We’ll do what we do best (law firm SEO services) so you can do what you do best (serve your clients!). You can stop searching for the best SEO services for attorneys and law firm website designers; we’ve got your back.

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