Your Law Firm’s Competitive Advantage

Let’s face it: When it comes to attracting new law firm clients, perception is everything.
Not even your reputation is more important because 1) Many of your potential clients will never have heard of you, and 2) reputation is also subject to perception. You may have won huge, hard-fought cases and negotiated massive settlements for your deserving (and less-deserving) clients, but unless potential new clients have some idea of how amazing your skills are, they could remain less than impressed.Law Firm Sites

Not all lawyers are equal. Be sure your website shows your edge.
In this digital age, one of the most effective ways to present your firm’s prowess to prospective clients is through your firm’s website. There, you can showcase your partners and associates, brag about awards and education, and present snappy graphics and clearly written prose to convince new visitors that their legal future will be safe in your hands.
A website that will give your law firm a competitive advantage over other law firms’ sites should include the following features:
Home Page: Filled with snappy headlines and navigation buttons, this is your first chance to make a good impression. What do you want visitors to know first about your firm? Showcase it here.
About Pages: What are your accomplishments? Special licenses? What is your firm most passionate about? This is your chance to prove that you are both professional and accessible, both intelligent and able to clearly communicate with your clients.
Blog: A blog is important for two main reasons: 1) It allows you to showcase your firm’s grasp of the law and convince clients they want you to represent them; 2) Wording used in blog entries can actually help clients find you by driving your firm up search engine results. Thus, if a potential client does an internet search for “personal injury attorney” in your state, not only will your firm show up toward the top of the list, but the blog entries he will find when he navigates to your page will convince him that he’s in the right place.
The folks at know how to update your graphics, drive up your visitor numbers, and get your website humming. Call (800) 932-8242 for a free evaluation of both your site and ranking strategy, with no obligation or pressure.
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