Yellow Pages are Dead, My Friend

Once upon a time, whenever someone needed to find a legal service provider or even look up a phone number, oversized paperback books filled with names, addresses, and phone numbers were the only reliable option. Known colloquially as “The Yellow Pages” because of their canary-colored leaves. These books would be delivered free to homes across the country, paid for by the advertisements inside.
During the yellow era, it made sense to pay for advertising in such books. You would stand out among the host of other professionals on the “legal services” page. The best advertisements were large, with graphics and eye-catching slogans, proudly proclaiming their firm’s visual superiority.
Then everyone bought mini computers that fit in their pockets and started looking up service providers on the magical internet. Though the yellow pages continued to arrive, they grew starved, getting thinner and thinner as fewer and fewer people used them to look up… anything.
The end.
Or is it?
The days of yellow-paged advertising are behind us. However, there are companies dedicated to helping you reach your customers just as effectively. Now, instead of taking out space in a book, you can purchase your own website. Where customers can learn more about you than your name, phone number, and practice areas. Then, instead of just relying on the size of your advertising box, you can hire experts who know how to entice your clients to your site. Where stylish fonts, eye-popping graphics, and easily-navigable information await them.
Free Evaluation
The folks at Law Firm Sites know how to update your graphics, drive up your visitor numbers, and get your website humming. Call (800) 932-8242 for a free evaluation of both your site and ranking strategy, with no obligation or pressure.
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