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Law Firm Sites Blog

Stopping Spam, One Client At A Time

April, 03 2020
Article by
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Jo Stephens
Spam emails

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If you want to get the most from your legal website, it’s vital you eliminate comment spam from your site as soon as possible. Website spam causes plenty of problems you don’t want to overlook if you care about your results. First, comment spam can harm the reputation of your law firm and make it that much harder to get real clients.

At Law Firm Sites Inc., we have years of experience creating website designs for lawyers. We have discovered that spam software often targets the comment section of websites to submit useless posts. These spam posts make it much harder for prospective clients to see the comments left by real people. Also, website spam can hurt your search engine optimization rank and cause you to lose business.

Stopping Spam on Your Own

Spam emails

You could try stopping spam on your own, and you might succeed depending on how much spam your website has. Many websites, though, have so much spam that it would take hours or more to keep it under control.

Once a spam bot discovers your website, it will keep posting spam comments until you do something to address the issue. Restricting comments would make it harder for your prospective customers to comment on your content. The good news is that Law Firm Sites Inc. has implemented Akismet to combat spam and save you time.

How Akismet Works

Stop sign with Hand

Akismet is a WordPress plugin that scans your website for spam and automatically removes it from your website. It has advanced intelligence software that detects and eliminates suspicious comments and links that spam bots post on your website. You can then let your prospective clients comment on your website without worrying about spam and the problems that come with it. If you want website design for lawyers that you can trust, reach out to our team right away.

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