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Is a Law Firm Website Essential?

April, 01 2016
Article by
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Jo Stephens

website_designWhether you are a recently graduated attorney starting your own practice or an experienced lawyer breaking off from a large law firm, there is one question always seems to come up, “Is a website really necessary for my legal practice?” At Law Firm Site, Inc., we understand how important a great law firm website design is to your practice. There are four important reasons to have a law firm website designed for your firm.

  • More people use the Internet to find a lawyer.

Think about it, when was the last time you used a phonebook to look up a mechanic, dentist, or doctor? I am guessing it has been a while. The same concept applies to attorneys and law firms. With the Internet more accessible than ever with smart phones and tablets that allow us to take the Internet wherever we go, more people are using the Internet to search for lawyers. Thomson Reuters reports that in 2005 a mere 7% of people used the internet to find a lawyer. In 2014 that changed to 38%. That number is only projected to grow over the next few years.

  • Accessible 24/7.

A huge advantage about a website is that it is accessible all day, everyday. The potential client does not have to access the site during normal business hours. Imagine being a busy mother who works full time. When is she going to look up information on a lawyer? Probably after the kids are in bed for the night when she has time to breath. Another great plus is that most law firm websites include a contact us form that allows the potential client to send an email in on the spot. They don’t have to wait until the morning to contact you. By making it more convenient, you are more likely to attract new clients.

  • Connects with the client.

A website will allow the client to connect with the law firm. By viewing attorney profiles and case information, the client will feel more confident speaking with an attorney. Speaking to an attorney can be very intimidating for someone without a background in law. The client can feel prepared to answer questions and explain their case after reviewing your law firm’s website. When a potential client is comfortable speaking to you, the chances are greater woman_searching_internetthat they will hire you to take their case.

  • Competitive Advantage.

There is a lot of competition in the legal field. While, we already mentioned that more and more people are using the internet to find lawyers, 29% still rely on suggestions from a family member or friend. Your law firm website factors in after the initial recommendations have been made. Generally, one will receive multiple suggestions from different family members and friends. This is where your law firm site becomes vital. After receiving several recommendation, one will research the different lawyers. The best way to go about that is by viewing the lawyer’s website. If you do not have a website, you are more likely to be discounted as an option. The general public likes the ability to find out your background before speaking with you. By choosing to have a well designed website, you can be accessible to more potential clients.

There are many reasons that a website in needed in order to market your law firm. At Law Firm Sites, Inc. we provide unique law firm website designs. Contact us now for a free consultation.

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