Why Grammar and Punctuation are Important
Many legal websites have great information, but are penalized due to grammar and punctuation errors. In February 2011, Google released Panda. The purpose of Panda was to penalize websites having low-quality content. Poor grammar and punctuation are two of these penalties.
Every day, Google blacklists over 10,000 websites. Creating a great website will be in vain if it does not show up when people do a search. Many firms use websites for attorney advertising. Having a great website can increase the number of clients you have.
Fixing Grammar and Punctuation Errors
It is best for you to read through every post on your website and make sure that it does not have any grammar and punctuation errors. If you have already put content up on your website, then you will need to fix any errors that you have. Because it is easy to overlook errors, it is a good idea to have someone else read over the website.You may want to choose a spell checker. A spell checker will not detect every error, but most serious errors will be caught by a spell checker. Additionally, it is important for you to write for people and not for search engines. This will help your writing flow sound more natural.
If you need help with law firm marketing, then you will need to contact
Law Firm Sites. Our company has had over 15 years of experience in marketing and legal websites design. Our law firm marketers have helped design over 4,000 websites. We have a thorough understanding of search engine optimization and will make sure your website ranks high in the search engines. We will also make sure the content is error-free.