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Google, like other search engines, adds pages to its index through the use of “spiders”. These “spiders” are small programs that visit web pages, download the content, and follow any links on the page to others sites, that are indexed and added in turn. These spiders effectively build a “web” of web sites, connected together through the links on the pages. In this manner, most pages on the web are able to be indexed.

For this reason, it’s usually not a big deal to submit your site to a search engine in order to get listed. Search engines find sites themselves through the use of these spiders. The more links coming into your site, the more often and likely the spiders are to index you. So, it makes less difference how often you submit your site to the search engines (or even if you ever submit them at all), and more difference how many other webpages (that are presumably also indexed by google) link to you.

One of the big things that sets Google apart from other search engines is its use of “pagerank”. Google ranks pages based on how many “backlinks” there are–links that point to the site. The best way to increase your ranking on google is to increase the number of links that point to your site.

Here’s the logic:

If you have a law web site that is the authority on a specific subject. For instance, Personal Injury in Ohio. The value of the website can be determined by how many other websites there are that link to it. If a site is good, then people are more likely to add a link to it on their own site. If a site is less than satisfactory, then you are less likely to have another site link to your site.

At law firm sites we work for you on building a supply of quality backlinks. We add your site to directories, including pages on our own networks, that increase your pagerank.

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