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Considering a Re-launch for your attorney website? SEO checklist to ensure you’re doing it right!

November, 20 2017
Article by
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Jo Stephens

Not every law firm website or law firm web design works the first time. Fortunately, there are many opportunities to start anew and achieve greater results. First, you must learn from past mistakes by knowing what you did or did not do wrong with your SEO campaign.

Reasons to Re-launch a Site

Consider re-launching a website to get better results the second time again. You may want to change the law firm web design to make it look more professional or less technical. Consider adding more images or videos that appeal to visual learners. Also, incorporate a blog to add more up-to-date information about your law firm.

Change Your SEO Plan

Have the opportunity to improve your marketing campaign the second time around. Focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to help more people find your site. Focus on finding the right SEO techniques instead of finding more. Research the keywords before placing them within the site’s content. Conduct tests to see which parts of your marketing are actually working. Monitor all of these results to save more money on your campaign.

It’s important not to mess up your new plan because SEO is the lifeblood of every website. Having a website is useless if people cannot find it through cyberspace. There are thousands of other sites for law firms that are located in and around your area. Include SEO techniques to ensure that the legal website design for your site stands out.

How Law Firm Sites Help

Law Firm Sites assists with the design and marketing components of your legal website. A lawyer website design has a specific look that appeals to serious, professional people. Have them work on the re-launch of your site, making it easier for clients to find your online presence.

Re-launching an attorney website means coming up with a newer, better plan. Know first that no generic plan for law firms marketing works for everyone. You need a customized plan and a marketing company like Law Firm Sites that understands your company’s  specific needs.

Do you want to see your site with a new look?