Necessity Is The Mother of Invention

To stay above the competition, Law Firm Sites, Inc. always employs the most innovative and cutting edge law firm website design tools and techniques. One such technology is responsive web design (RWD). Because practically everyone has a smart phone or tablet these days, web design must have built-in flexibility if it is to stay current and helpful. People expect to be able to browse the web on their mobile device as easily as they do on their laptop or desktop. And so, RWD was the innovation born of necessity. RWD is a method of coding a website design to “respond” to the size of the screen used to view it. The same website will shrink or grow to specifically fit the size of the screen and the resolution.
The design and programming teams at Law Firm Sites, Inc. are among the first in legal web design to implement this new paradigm and technique in our website designs. Our clients are able to attract more traffic because their sites are viewed on mobile devices, thereby driving more business in through their doors. At Law Firm Sites, Inc. our business is your business, we strive to make our attorney web designs and content relevant to your style and needs.
Want More Information?
Staying up-to-date is important in today’s competitive business world; that is why we also offer our current clients a redesign that includes a RWD site. For more information about our services and our company visit our site or call us at (800) 932-8242 today.
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