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Law Firm Sites Blog

Lawyer Website Design Spotlight: Wagner McLaughlin in Tampa Florida

August, 11 2015
Article by
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Jo Stephens

In this week’s AttornScreen Shot 2015-08-11 at 3.54.34 PMey Spotlight, we look at  While many legal firms focus on personal injury claims, did you know very different laws govern personal injuries that occur at sea? If you are seeking compensation for a claim that occurred on the water, you need a specialized team like Wagner McLaughlin.

What is it that makes the site so appealing?


  • Live Chat is a great way to get a question answered quickly, and a great way for Wagner McLaughlin to prove they will be responsive and attentive, before the client even signs up.
  • Great Content on every page that gives the reader a full understanding of what the firm is capable of. No one wants to stay on a site that has only fluff content, or worse yet, blank pages.
  • Blog Articles that cover relevant and interesting topics concerning Florida law, and a subscription option right on the page. In addition, this blog is updated several times a week with fresh content. Remember, a blog only helps you if your content is readable, relevant, and updated consistently.
  • Video Vault is a feature that gives this site that “something extra” that sets it over the top. You can see the legal team at work and get a feel for the office. Also, it inspires confidence in the potential client.
  • Google Maps reference is imbedded with the firm location right on the page. This makes it easy for potential clients to see where they are and get personalized directions from their home.
  • Social Media Links are easily visible on the top right corner, giving the potential client the chance to learn more about and connect with the firm through those outlets.

Are you worried your lawyer website design doesn’t compare well? Contact Law Firm Sites Inc for a free review of your site and a no obligation free design proposal. Finally, we know what it takes to attract potential clients and keep their attention, and we can do it for you. Also, contact us about our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and marketing services to learn how to improve your page rankings.

Do you want to see your site with a new look?