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Law Firm Website Content. What is all the fuss about?

January, 16 2015
Article by
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Jo Stephens
frustrated man in front of computer
Law Firm Website Content As Google Sees It

Google provides majority of organic searches today.

Quality Legal Content Is Worth It

Having your own unique law firm website content is not only good these days but critical. Why? Google says so. There is a method to their madness.

Google wants to stay the king of all search engines. They earn the vast majority of their money when businesses pay them for ranking in the “sponsored results” section. The only way people see those sponsored results is by using the search engine itself.

The mega search engine will focus on the following criteria when ranking your site:

1. The length of time people stay on your site

2. How often they return

3. The page they exit your site from

4. The number of pages they open per visit

5. How updated or fresh the law firm website content is

All five of these criteria come back to law firm website content. A visitor will not stay on your law firm website if they don’t find what they are looking for. Do they care about the color scheme or the photo? Not as much as you think. Do you care what color a website is or do you just want to get the info you are looking for and get out?

Apple Computers has mastered the art of content. It is visual, specific to their audience and fresh.

Lawyers have a different challenge when it comes to their law firm website content but they can still use the principles Apple does. For example, instead of posting a list of accomplishments on your bio show some photos of you and your son working on a project in your garage. Talk about an experience where you helped a client at midnight navigate a legal crisis that wasn’t a big deal to you but it was for them.

Law firms have a reputation for being stale and stogy especially when it comes to their websites. Most attorneys I have met are just the opposite. Blog posts should reflect the nature of what you do but also how you approach problems, handle clients concerns and put them at ease.

Nasty Law Firm Website Content Penalty

A popular trick that SEO managers have used in the past to increase law firm website content is guest blogging. This can be dangerous when used to increase content and exposure. Matt Cutt (the Google expert) explains it better than I ever could. Basically he says that it has been so overused that Google now disregards most guest blogging.


Write the law firm website content on your site to reflect your personality and your passion for the law. Let the world see why you got into the industry and what keeps you coming back to work daily. Ensure the content reads well and is interesting. The more people read the content and the longer they stay on the site, the better your rank will be. Content is king in the world of search engine marketing today. Focus on your law firm website content and you will beat your competitors consistently.

Do you want to see your site with a new look?