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Law Firm Sites Blog

Your Google+ Advantage

November, 20 2013
Article by
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Jo Stephens
google advantage

The newest player in the social media game is Google Plus. The Facebook competitor has a leg up because of its mother site, the all-powerful Google. Also, our team at Law Firm Sites, Inc. want to make sure that you are using Google + to your advantage.

Moz (formerly SEOmoz), an SEO consulting company, did a study in August 2013 to find out which factor of a website is most highly correlated with search engine rankings. The results were very surprising. Moz found that after page authority, Google+ posts and Google+1s beat out all other aspects of the site including keyword usage, linking and Facebook shares. These findings indicate that social media could be your website’s most valuable asset. Getting real people on the web to talk about your website, your brand, your services is still the best way to increase your SEO ranking.

Our SEO tip for you is to take full advantage of every aspect of Google+. Why not double our efforts and post on Google+ as well? Also get all your associates, friends and family to follow and +1 your page. We are already posting weekly on Google+ for our law firm SEO clients. Contact our sales team to find out more about our SEO marketing services and history. This will make a huge impact on your search rankings. Take this challenge today and the results will speak for themselves.

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