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Law Firm Sites Blog

The Future of Internet Marketing

January, 08 2018
Article by
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Jo Stephens

Top Marketing for Lawyers Strategies in 2018

The internet is a constantly evolving space, particularly with regards to marketing and marketing for law firms. With each new app or technology, we learn more about our audiences and the strategies that connect us to them. Keeping an eye on the trends in marketing for lawyers as we start out in 2018 will keep your firm ahead of the digital curve. Below are four of the marketing strategies that Law Firm Sites can help you implement this year.


A staple that will continue to see results in the future, search engine optimization and pay-per-click ads are essential in the legal advertising world as well as law firm sites reviews. These strategies get your firm to the top of search pages, out and ahead of competitors.

Native advertising

Internet users are better able to block out advertising than ever before. And why not? It can be distracting and even irritating at times. Rather than increase the striking elements of advertising to get the audience’s attention, the emerging trend is native advertising. This strategy makes advertising appear more natural, more in-tune with the content surrounding it. Not for trying to trick the audience, but rather to make conversion more seamless and comfortable.

One-on-one communication

The internet is an increasingly noisy place. The average user, no matter their goals, can easily become overwhelmed by information in a short period of time. One of the ways to cut through the noise is to provide an avenue for one-on-one communication, which is becoming more valuable every day. This can be achieved through dedicated customer service or innovative chatbots, either of which can be integrated into law firm sites.


Mobile devices are becoming more and more intuitive for the average user. Often, when someone has a question their first instinct is to check their phone. Making sure your law firm site is mobile-optimized and ready to be glanced at in a hurry is a great way to get people coming back. Request a consultation with Law Firm Sites to see how your legal advertising and internet marketing strategies can improve in the new year.
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