Eliminating the Black Hole of No-Shows

Eliminating the Black Hole of No-Shows
Law firm sites with proper, or improper SEO for lawyers, are often the first impression a potential client has of attorneys at a firm. Seeing a cutting edge, crisp website is one thing; making an initial appointment and keeping it is another. Law offices are not often places that people want to visit and even the best lawyer marketing has a chance of coming up flat unless there is an emphasis on relation-building from the start.
The Problem:
It is not uncommon for law offices to struggle with a high number of no-shows and missed appointments. This can directly damage the revenue stream of the firm. With the time invested in lead generation, it is important that attorney marketing delivers good leads.
The Reason:
Sometimes, people don’t show up for their appointment because honestly, it is rare that people want to be in a lawyer’s office. People are naturally anxious, possibly overwhelmed or ashamed, and then some are just overall uncomfortable. This makes it easier for them to invent excuses for not keeping an appointment.
Another reason for a high no-show rate is poor SEO for lawyers and potentially poor lawyer web site design. If your firm is not screening leads properly you might be inviting the lowest leads right into your office without even knowing it.
A third reason for a high no-show rate is that people genuinely forget. There will always be appointments cancelled at various points, but if you have a significantly high cancellation rate of people who you perceived to be warm leads, then you may need to reconsider if and how you reminder them of appointments.
The Solution:
You can work to address the three issues above (and other reasons we didn’t discuss) by focusing on the following attorney marketing solutions;
– Improve your lawyer web site design: Make sure your messaging is clear and direct. You will weed out some of the uninterested. This includes improving the SEO for lawyers on your site.
– Create a human connection: Have initial phone calls with leads and let them tell their story. The human connection is a great plus for attorney marketing and it will begin to allow the prospective client to feel like they are already being listened to.
– Charge an initial consultation fee: It is not a bad thing in lawyer marketing to charge an upfront fee to even speak with an attorney. Depending on your area of expertise, the consultations can range from 30 – 60 minutes. Law firm sites make collecting payment very easy that initial fee can be put towards a retainer if the prospect chooses to use your services.
In order to deliver better leads to your firm, consistency is key. Make sure after meeting with your prospective clients you maintain that relationship. If they miss their first meeting, reach out to them and let them know you still have availability. Work to understand why they cancelled and work to prevent that for the next time (and the next prospective client).
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