Don’t Throw Away Your Money–Avoiding Common Advertising Mistakes – Part 2

Read Part 1 here.
Using a website creation firm that doesn’t understand attorney internet advertising leads to more mistakes in the end. One mistake that can be very costly, is not understanding what is required for attorney advertising disclaimers and compliance with ethical standards set by state and/or local jurisdictions.
Errors here can lead to ethics violation charges that could be very costly for your firm, both financial and reputational. With Law Firm Sites as your attorney marketing company, you can rest assured that those rules and regulations are understood and requirements for your areas of operation are well-researched to meet expectations. Attorney online marketing, and what is done for legal advertising, have to highlight your strengths, both as a firm and at the individual attorney level.
If your website isn’t playing up those strong points well enough, your current lawyer marketing website firm hasn’t done their job. There is a balance between a competent display of excellence for strength focal points without taking a risk of becoming unappealing to some potential clients. Law Firm Sites understands the difference, and their skill set for lawyer marketing will strike the right balance. They also offer website creation package levels that include unlimited design and content changes, allowing the revisions that are needed until everything is perfect.
Now that you understand a few of the pitfalls of attorney website creation when it comes to design and content, you need to consider SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This is the part of a website’s structure that gets your website link populated on the first page of results from a major search engine – think Google.
Your current lawyer marketing company may be applying SEO to your website, but if you aren’t making it to that all-important first page of results then you are probably not getting your money’s worth. As one of the top firms for lawyer marketing website creation, Law Firm Sites exceeds expectations for applying sound SEO principles that produce the right results while avoiding the tactics some website firms use with consequences that could include Google penalizing your webpage.
All other things being equal, the worst liability for lawyer marketing websites is content or contact information that is out of date. Nothing will turn a potential client away faster than trying to reach out to you and finding that your phone number isn’t listed correctly or your email address doesn’t work.
Use Professionals – Law Firm Sites
Your website is advertising for lawyers in your firm, and clients should be able to use the information listed there to get in touch with you. Law Firm Sites is committed to your success and will help you maintain current, correct contact information, as well as relevant content, so your website is not only a viable advertising tool, it stands out from the rest.
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