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Copyright Mistakes Web Designers Make

May, 01 2013
Article by
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Jo Stephens
web designers

Web designers are creative people. They love to work on an original idea, develop it to its full potential, and produce the finish product for all to see. What they don’t think about sometimes are the legalities. Copyright Law, media fair use, and the legal side of design is probably the last thing on their mind. While some web design firms do think of this, it is usually an afterthought in most cases. Who better to design your website than law firms web design teams? Who has your legal best interests at heart, to avoid any unforeseen issues regarding content on your website or blog?

Lawyer web design is a new thing, but it is becoming more popular, as more lawsuits arise from the little details that web designers overlooked. Don’t risk a lawsuit over some common mistake.

Some of the most common mistake designers make which could create problems for you as a business owner have to do with either copyright issues, media, and text.

Common Mistakes

Copyright issues abound on the web. Many web designer even use images which they don’t know the origin to, without seeking permissions. This puts you in a bad spot as a business owner. Even if you did not design the website, you are legally responsible for anything placed on your page. Make sure the material on your page does not violate copyright, by having a lawyer web design team take over your web project.

Another issue is the use of media. This area crosses over into the copyright issue, and has to do with the fair use of media. There is a copyright law which states that you may use up to 10% of a work if it is for non-profit, educational purposes. But if you are a business, and it helps your site or business in any way, you are no longer non-profit.

Only a law firms web design team knows how to wade through these sticky issues and make sure your site if legal and doesn’t constitute copyright violations. Your business and website are too important to leave it in the hands of overenthusiastic, artsy individuals who think laws are made to be tested.

Don’t take this risk with your business.

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