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8 Principles of Web Design for Lawyers

April, 08 2022
Article by
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Ben Johnson
website designer

Professional website design for attorneys is a must, and there are typically 8 principles of web design for lawyers that designers will adhere to. 

These principles help to guide certain decisions that are made when designing a site.

#1. The Purpose and Goals of the Website

When designing a website for an attorney, it is essential to always keep in mind the law firm website design goals.

There are many reasons to have an attorney web design, but the main goals should be to attract new clients and provide potential clients with enough information to make an informed decision about hiring a lawyer. 

The website should also be used as a resource for current clients, providing helpful information and resources related to their cases.

Designing an attorney website design that accomplishes these goals can be tricky, but there are a few key things to remember. The law firm websites design should be professional and organized, and it should make the client want to contact the attorney and feel they made the right decision.

#2. Negative Space and Simplicity

Macias Counsel

White space and keeping things simple are one of the best ways to attract clients. Whitespace helps to separate different elements on the page and makes it easier for people to read. 

Keeping things simple in web design does not mean the web page is boring, but instead, it gets to the point without all the dragging along of legal terms and items people may not understand.

For example, too many images can slow down your website and make it difficult for people to find the information for which they are looking. 

Limited types and limited color palettes help to keep the web page simple.

 Too many colors can distract and make it difficult for people to focus on what you want them to read. 

By using a limited color palette, you can keep the focus on the content and not on the design. Keeping the styles simple and with slight variation keeps the focus on the web page’s purpose (see principle #1).

#3. Consistency


Consistency is critical in web design, especially for lawyers. 

Keeping the colors, fonts, and content consistent makes it easier for visitors to follow. If things are all over the place, it will be hard for people to find what they’re looking for, and they may move on to another website. When this happens, the attorney may never get that client back. 

Consistency is also crucial for building up a brand. The more consistent you are, the more memorable your brand will be. 

#4. User-Focused Navigation

David Click Law

The navigation of a website is vital for the visitor–the visitor wants to be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. There are many different ways to design a website’s navigation, but it is always important to focus on the user when creating a law firm websites design.

One common way to focus on the user is by using a menu bar at the top of the page. This makes it easy for visitors to see where they are and quickly navigate to other pages on the website. Another way to focus on the user is by using breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs show the visitor where they are in relation to the rest of the website. They also make it easy for visitors to navigate back to a previous page.

These methods are user-focused and help keep the visitor on the website. It is important to remember that the visitor should always be the focus when designing a website, especially for lawyers.

#5. Visual Hierarchy

levitsky law firm

The visual hierarchy is how the eye perceives the elements of a website design for attorneys and their relationship to each other. This is determined by several factors, such as size, color, and position. Visual hierarchy aims to draw the reader’s attention to the most critical elements first because you don’t want to overwhelm potential clients.

This is especially important for lawyers because they often have a lot of information to communicate with potential clients. If everything is done randomly, it will be hard for people to find what they’re looking for, and they may move on to another website. By using visual hierarchy, you can ensure that people see what you want them to see first.

#6. Responsive Design

Mobile website

The website must be compatible with mobile devices and desktops. If the website is not responsive, it will be hard for people to use it on their mobile devices. This will cause them to leave the site and go to one compatible with their device.

#7. Readable Fonts

sapon law

It is important to use fonts that are easy to read in law firm website design. People will be looking at the website for an extended period, and you don’t want them to get frustrated. The last thing you want is for people to leave the site because they can’t read the content.

There are many different fonts out there, but it is always best to stick with the basics. Some of the most common fonts include Times New Roman, Arial, and Helvetica. These fonts are easy to read and will not cause any frustration for the reader.

The site may be perfect, but if the reader cannot read anything off the page, none of the points will get across, and the client will go elsewhere to look for an attorney. 

#8. Clear Call-to-Actions

espinoza Law offices

The call-to-action (CTA) is an essential part of legal website design. The CTA should be clear and concise so that people know what they need to do.

Some common CTAs include “contact us,” “schedule a consultation,” or “learn more.” These are all effective CTAs because they tell visitors what they need to do next. 

It is important to ensure that the CTA is visible and not hidden away on the website. The last thing you want is for people to leave the site because they couldn’t find the CTA.

The CTA is placed in a spot where it will be seen. The most commonplace for the CTA is above the fold, which is the top part of the website that can be seen without scrolling. This is because people are more likely to see it and take action, whether by phone, email, or walk-ins.

The CTA should also stand out in color so that it’s the first thing the user sees when visiting the site (remember the principle of visual hierarchy?)

In Conclusion

Law firm website designers are essential for lawyers because they can help them generate leads. By using these eight principles of web design, lawyers can create an effective website that will help them grow their practice.

The team at Law Firm Sites will follow these 8 principles of web design. Be sure to contact us today to see if we’re the right fit for your firm.

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