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Law Firm Sites Blog

How to Help Your Designer and Get the Results You Want

February, 24 2014
Article by
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Jo Stephens
web designer

At Law Firm Sites we always go the extra mile to make our clients happy. Your success is our success and part of that is in your satisfaction with your attorney website design. Good design can be made better by working with the feedback of others so, we make prototypes, ask for feedback, then refine, ask for more feedback, refine further, ask for more feedback, refine—and so on and so forth, until everyone is happy.

Sometimes we are able to hit it right on the nose the first time, but more often than not, we work with our clients through a process. Because our clients are all unique, we have a few tips to make this feedback process as efficient as possible.

Top Tips:

  1. Don’t micro-manage. This is the quickest way to kill a creative spirit. We value our client’s opinions, but we also know what we’re doing. We have been designing successful websites for over 13 years, but we know where to go if we need legal advice. We’re not inflexible, we do encourage feedback, but we want you to get the best design. Ultimately, you hire a designer for their expertise, but if you don’t respect their opinions, you might as well build it yourself.
  2. Don’t macro-manage either. In theory, it would be wonderful if we could do whatever we wanted. But you have an opinion and we would like to hear it. If you want to be happy with our work, share your ideas.
  3. Be specific. If you don’t like something, it doesn’t help if you don’t tell me what it is you don’t like about it. We put things on a design because we like them, so it makes sense to tell us why you don’t. What element do you want to change? Is it the typeface, the color, the position, the spacing? Design is highly subjective, so narrow down your thoughts into logical directives.
  4. Know what you want. We have been designing law firm websites for over 13 years, but if you don’t know what you want, we can’t help you. As designers, we can help guide you by asking questions and figuring out different styles, but if you don’t know what you want, you won’t know when you’ve got it.
  5. Know that design is about problem solving. Your website is about communicating to your audience, so you need it to be easy to read, show off your brand message, and entice the audience into action and lead them through your information in a particular manner. Make stuff that is “pretty” and works.

We want you to love your design and we want to love it too. To make sure that happens, productive cooperation is key. So take a deep breath and dive in.

For more information about our team, our process, and our services, click here or call us today at (800) 932-8242.

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