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Law Firm Sites Blog

Don’t Throw Away Your Money–Avoiding Common Advertising Mistakes – Part 1

January, 26 2018
Article by
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Jo Stephens

Law firms are no different from any other business in the global marketplace needing to gain clients through an online presence. If your law firm doesn’t already have a website, it is probably in the process of creating one. Growing a business requires an attorney website today – it is the equivalent of the “real yellow pages“.

Attorney online marketing is a is a greater challenge than the average website creator is used to. This is for several reasons. These challenges related to the nuances of online legal advertising, if not overcome, can lead to a website that doesn’t work as intended to draw potential clients to your firm and could actually be turning them away, instead.

One of the most common mistakes made with legal advertising is the tendency to speak legalese. (Phrasing that is heavy with legal terminology.) Potential clients are generally not going to be lawyers themselves. If your website used for attorney advertising is packed with legal jargon, it could turn off the average person.

Law Firm Sites, a nationwide attorney marketing company, understands how to apply the right combination of skills in writing content that correctly expresses advertising for lawyers and your firm so that it invites potential clients to read it, then contact you for assistance.

Another common problem with attorney advertising and lawyer marketing websites is the tendency to use templates to create them. All the stock photos of the normal legal stuff, along with template layouts will make your website fade into the crowd.

Trust the Professionals – Law Firm Sites

You lose the opportunity to immediately and visually engage a potential client. Therefore, they are drawn to do business with you and not someone else. If you work with a lawyer marketing company like Law Firm Sites, however, you will have a website that is created and tailored specifically for your firm. Furthermore, it will be unlike any other on the web. Attorney internet advertising must be a blend of high-end graphics, personable photos, and well-written content. Law Firm Sites can deliver on that attorney online marketing promise.

Do you want to see your site with a new look?